Mar 3, 2011

Glowing from the Inisde and Out

Glow from the outside!
Here’s a super cheap and easily homemade astringent for your face
You need:
1. Witch hazel- about $5
2. Apple cider vinegar- you probably have this in your cooking or cleaning cabinet. Or you can buy it for a couple bucks. 
3. Green tea- also may already be in your cupboards or get some for a few dollars.  I had decaffeinated at home but I think caffeine is supposed to be good for tightening your skin.
4. Cotton balls
5. Small holding container- think cosmetic travel bottle
1. Mix… 1 part witch hazel, to 1 part vinegar, to 3 parts green tea in a small bottle.
2. After washing your face… Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and wipe over face.   I use a second dry cotton ball to get off any excess. 
3. Moisturize- I bought JASON Age Renewal Moisturizing Crème with vitamin E.  I had been using Emu Oil (which is exactly what it sounds like and highly contradictory for a vegetarian, but works sooo good!) and the body butter I got the other day on my face.  The body butter was to oily looking and just not working.  I think JASON will work much better and be animal friendly!
Here's where I got this idea from.  She also has some pretty wicked makeup tutorials.

Now glow from the inside with fresh fruit juice
Here’s some juice I made the other day.   

When life gives you lemons- make strawberry, kiwi, pear lemonade!

Our neighbor at work has a few citrus trees so I reached over the fence and helped myself to a few! 

And to help anyone glow even more get your hair did!  I did!
Really, I don't like the length (it's too medium) and I don't feel like growing it out again, so next month it's going short!

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